WIKA Realty Forum Group Discussion – Panduan Komprehensif Instrumental Pailit dan Penundaan Kewajiban Pembayaran Utang

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We would like to announce that our Junior Partner, Tarsisius Agusto Naur, assisted by Associate, Cintya Sekar Ayu P., were invited to be the speaker at the Forum Group Discussion (“FGD”) held by Wika Realty Company on March 14th, 2024, with the main topic of “Panduan Komprehensif Instrumental Pailit dan Penundaan Kewajiban Pembayaran Utang.”

The FGD held to provide related knowledge to state-owned enterprises (BUMN) regading Bankruptcy and Suspension of Debt Payment Law. The event was attended by the Board of Directors and others key personnel. The discussion focused on making smart decisions to handle tough financial situations and keep growing in a changing economy.

In conclusion, the FGD taught about dealing with bankruptcy and delaying debt payments. Agusto shared practical tips for handling financial distress and economics distress for companies. These talks help companies to stay resilient and successful, even when things get tough. Tarsisius, along with Cintya, did a great job by sharing knowledge and showing how FSP Lawyers support companies in tough times.